The government aims to position Paraguay internationally and reach investment-grade

Asunción, Agencia IP.- To increase foreign investment in the country and reach investment grade, the Ministers of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, and Foreign Affairs, Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, spoke about the work being done by the government to position Paraguay on the international scene and improve its rating.

It was during the meeting of business people with the heads of the MIC and the National Chancellery, organized by 5 Días.

The Head of Industry and Commerce said the government has invested in infrastructure to attract more foreign investment.

At the same time, he mentioned that agreements are being negotiated to take advantage of excess energy, the forestry industry, and the installation of data centers in the country are being promoted.

Among the concrete actions, he highlighted the elimination of consular fees and the simplification of procedures as part of the commitment of the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, to ensure that the economy flows efficiently.

In addition, he stressed the importance of working together with other ministries to guarantee companies’ competitiveness and offer clear and effective incentives for investment. In this regard, he explained that the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is a transversal institution since it works actively with all other government entities.

Giménez emphasized the need to improve the logistics infrastructure, such as the inauguration of a second bridge over the Paraná River to facilitate access to the Brazilian market.

He also highlighted the importance of developing strategic sectors, such as the forestry industry, to exploit the country’s natural resources and generate export opportunities.

In turn, Foreign Minister Rubén Ramírez indicated that the country needs to increase its foreign direct investment, whether for international positioning or the creation of jobs.

Ramírez said that «Paraguay continues to take firm steps towards the landing of investments» and highlighted that the Government of Paraguay works hard for economic growth. He maintained that this is why the head of State carries out trade missions around the world to put the nation on the map.

He stated that although the primary sector is one of the fundamental supports of the Paraguayan economy, » Paraguay must make the qualitative leap towards other sectors.»

Energy development

Regarding the energy sector, the Head of the MIC explained that with the new Itaipu rate, the country will generate additional income for investment in Paraguayan infrastructure, although he indicated that it is important to continue working to improve national logistics for an improvement in industrial development.

Likewise, he spoke of the need for the country to diversify its sources of energy generation, with the objective of ensuring the development of different economic and social sectors.

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