The Atlantic facade is the port from Marruecos towards Latin America, says the King Mohammed VI

Rabat.- King Mohammed VI stood out for his desire to rehabilitate Morocco’s national coastline, including the part in the Moroccan Sahara region bordering the Atlantic, and re-engineer this geopolitical space at the African level during his Speech to Nation on the Occasion of the 48th Anniversary of Green March.

He pointed out that his goal is to “transform the Atlantic region into a space for human interaction and economic integration and to make sure it plays a key role at continental and international levels.”

“For this reason, I seek to make sure that the major projects launched in our southern provinces are completed, and that the services and infrastructure relating to human and economic development are in place. Another goal is to facilitate connectivity between the different countries bordering the Atlantic, provide for means of transportation, build logistics platforms and consider the development of a strong, competitive national commercial marine fleet,” the King explained.

On the other hand, “To keep pace with the economic progress and urban expansion witnessed in Moroccan Saharan cities, we need to pursue our efforts to develop a maritime economy that contributes to prosperity in the region and serves its inhabitants. It should be an integrated economy based on the development of exploration for offshore natural resources and the promotion of investment in marine fishing, in addition to seawater desalination to encourage agricultural activities, promote the blue economy and support the renewable energy agenda”, according to the King’s expressions.

“I am also calling for the adoption of a strategy for the promotion of tourism in the Atlantic region, making good use of the many assets available there to turn it into a prime destination for beach and Saharan tourism,” stated King Mohammed VI.

Likewise, the King pointed out that the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline strategic project is part of that endeavor. Also, this project is designed to promote regional integration, boost joint economic growth, and serve development objectives in the countries bordering the Atlantic. “It will also guarantee energy supplies for European countries.”

Finally, King Mohammed VI suggested launching an international initiative to enable the Sahel countries to have access to the Atlantic Ocean. “The success of such an initiative, however, hinges on upgrading infrastructure in the Sahel countries and seeking to connect it to transport and communication networks existing in the region.”

La entrada The Atlantic facade is the port from Marruecos towards Latin America, says the King Mohammed VI se publicó primero en .::Agencia IP::..