State institutions coordinate compliance with international sentences on human rights

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Vice President of the Republic, Pedro Alliana, brought together high authorities of the Executive Branch in a working day on the commitments of the Paraguayan State in matters of human rights.

The meeting reactivated the Executive Interinstitutional Commission Responsible for Executing Actions to Comply with Sentences, Recommendations, Requests, and other international commitments on Human Rights (CICSI) after five years.

The objective of the CICSI is to join forces and arbitrate the means for compliance with the Friendly Settlement Agreements and Judgments issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

During the meeting, some topics were discussed, such as food assistance, health, and education for indigenous communities (Yakye Axa, Sawhoyamaxa, XákmokKásek, Kelyenmagategma, and Y’akãMarangatu), as well as the construction of access roads to said communities, within the framework of international commitments on human rights.

A report on economic reparations in cases with a ruling from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights was also requested. The update of Decree No. 4367/15 was proposed to include some Ministries to collaborate with the objectives of the CICSI, modify the names of some institutions, and develop internal regulations.

La entrada State institutions coordinate compliance with international sentences on human rights se publicó primero en .::Agencia IP::..