Rediex offers various services to investors interested in establishing in Paraguay

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Investment and Export Network (Rediex) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) offers various services to accompany national and foreign investors who wish to invest capital in the country.

These actions are carried out through the Investment Attraction Directorate (DAI), which captures and accompanies potential investors.

This Directorate provides free advice during the process of investment settlement in the country, as well as presenting the advantages and investment opportunities. Likewise, it is the initial link between foreign companies interested in investing in Paraguay and government agencies and private sector guilds.

The DAI also offers «After Care» services, supporting established investors, identifying operational obstacles they face, and accompanying them in finding solutions to overcome them.

It also supports the reinvestment processes of these companies, provides assistance for inquiries and referrals to corresponding government entities for each case, and organizes and schedules meetings, events, and video conferences.

You can learn more about the Investment Attraction Directorate in this link.

La entrada Rediex offers various services to investors interested in establishing in Paraguay se publicó primero en .::Agencia IP::..