Peña in Chile: The beginning of a chapter of binational integration with continental leadership vision

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, expressed his intentions to strengthen ties between Chile and Paraguay. «This will be the beginning of a chapter that not only will make us closer but will allow us to lead this continental integration,» he said.

Those were his declarations after meeting on Tuesday with his Chilean counterpart, Gabriel Boric, at the Palacio de la Moneda in Santiago, at the framework of his official visit to the Chilean capital.

President Peña also said that he is convinced that Latin America is the world’s region that has the most potential for development and the one that has the moral responsibility to elevate a peace message in a world that is convulsing».

Likewise, he ratified that peace, democracy, and freedom are values learned in Chile and Paraguay the hard way, alluding to the long dictatorships that both countries experienced.

«I see a common path. I do not want to look right or left; I want to look forward. There is a path forward that will bring progress for the people of Chile and Paraguay, allowing us to join forces with other Latin American nations to demonstrate that together we will always be better than apart,» he said.

«We have 180 years of history»

On the other hand, Peña thanked the Chilean citizens and Government for the welcome and said he was excited to see the path ahead. «180 years of history between our nations, a lot has happened in this time; in the history of our countries, we have had to face enormous difficulties,» he indicated.

He mentioned that Chile and Paraguay share a collective vision of development and integration. He alleged that his country has a strong integration vocation and a firm conviction that «this is the path» for the generation of employment so Paraguayan families can have a better future.

The President pointed out that Latin America was dominated by polarization and political virulence that often translated into ideological biases.

«For me, President Gabriel, our responsibility and generational sharing is fundamental. Today, we are being judged, and people want to know what attitude we will have. I am convinced from our conversation that it will be a great commitment with our countries to work united», he said.

The Paraguayan President foresaw an excellent moment for relations between Chile and his Nation. «We must be capable of more than simply signing agreements or visiting statements,» he finally stated.

La entrada Peña in Chile: The beginning of a chapter of binational integration with continental leadership vision se publicó primero en .::Agencia IP::..