Paraguay became the 3rd country in Latin America to implement digital validity of documents

Asunción, Agencia IP.- With the recent approval of the Law of Digital Validity of Mandatory Documents, Paraguay positions itself as one of the first countries in Latin America to implement this solution for its citizens.

Argentina and Colombia are also applying technological innovations, and the law proves that Paraguay is ready to respond to future tendencies, affirmed the Director of Electronical Government from Mitic, Klaus Pistilli.

The Minister of Technologies of Information and Communications (Mitic, by its acronym in Spanish) is working on the regulation of the project from its approval in the Congress, in technical work with the involved institutions to offer digital versions of the national identity card, driver’s license, green card, and vehicle habilitation; he detailed during an interview with the TV Program “Tribuna” from Paraguay TV.

These documents will be available in the portal,, and in the «Paraguay Py» app. The first document that must be presented is the national identity card, said the Minister of Mitic, Gustavo Villate.

Regarding the other documents, it is currently being worked with the Single Automotive Registry, the National Traffic and Road Safety Agency (ANTSV, by its acronym in Spanish), and the Paraguayan Organization of Intermunicipal Cooperation (OPACI, by its acronym in Spanish).

The Director of Electronic Government assured that “with the tools we already have, the Paraguayan portal and the advance of the technical meetings with the other institutions, we will have it ready sooner than what the law contemplates (1 year)”.

Mitic is currently working on connecting the database from every institution to the Information Exchange System (SII, by its acronym in Spanish), which is already completely functional. This system allows institutions to share data efficiently and safely, facilitating digital access to documents and their validation.

The Law of Digital Validity of Mandatory Documents will allow citizens to have a digital version of their documents, accessible through their mobile devices with their electronic identity in the Paraguayan portal. The graphical representation of these documents will count on a cybersecurity mechanism for the citizen’s information to be safe and protected.

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