Mitic Minister Gustavo Villate highlights collaborative achievements and plans for 2024

Asunción, Agencia IP.- Gustavo Villate, Minister of Information Technology and Communication (Mitic), reflected on the institution’s accomplishments as the year 2023 concluded. Emphasizing the pivotal role of collaboration among institutions, Villate stated that this approach would continue in 2024 to achieve the necessary innovations and goals for boosting communication and technology in Paraguay.

«Although satisfied with our achievements, we acknowledged numerous challenges,» Minister Gustavo Villate expressed during an interview with GEN. Having assumed office on August 15, he highlighted the positive changes made in the institution’s dynamics and processes within the first four months of the current administration. Villate underscored the importance of inter-institutional collaboration in steering the institution in a new direction.

Underlining the shift in Mitic’s approach from isolation to collaboration, Villate credited President Santiago Peña for appointing the ministry as a key coordinator. This collaborative vision recognizes that progress in essential innovations is impossible without working jointly with other government entities.

«Previously, Mitic operated in isolation, lacking a defined role. We’ve set a roadmap; we envision a transparent government generating employment opportunities and prioritizing security, health, and education. Our projects aim to enhance communication and technology,» stated Villate.

Within just four months, Villate outlined ongoing and upcoming projects. Notably, he mentioned the development of digital document portability accessible through the «Portal Paraguay» app. This initiative allows citizens to access legal documentation, including ID cards, international vaccination records, police records, and taxpayer certificates. The minister highlighted collaborative efforts with the National Directorate of Migrations to develop a pre-immigration process, soon to be fully operational for all travelers.

Mitic has initiated joint projects with the Ministry of the Interior (MI), Ministry of Health (MSPBS), and Ministry of Urbanism, Housing, and Habitat (MUVH) to create a transparent project registry for beneficiaries of institutional programs. Collaboration is also underway with the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC).

Villate mentioned the expansion of the Student Unique Registry (RUE) to the private sector and higher education, aiming to improve transparency, particularly regarding issues related to educational qualifications.

Highlighting the collaborative nature of these initiatives, Villate emphasized that Mitic’s achievements result from coordinated efforts across various government institutions.

Looking ahead to 2024, Mitic aims to continue contributing to the integration of technology in education, ensuring traceability of social benefits provided by the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), and playing a pivotal role in the government’s anti-drug strategy «Sumar,» involving 22 state institutions.

«We are not only talking about prevention but also recovery and a frontal fight against drug trafficking. An efficient reporting, monitoring, and follow-up scheme are essential, and e-government is the backbone of these projects,» concluded Villate.

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