Application of Racketeering Laws Against Transnational Attacks on Nation-States

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Attacks to marginalize nation-states are on the rise

The world is facing a turning point and a new global order is emerging. The colonial and neo-colonial era of the last 500 years is in its final throes. The colonial masters and monopolar beneficiaries of that era (1500 – 2000) are resisting these objective and historical development processes with their last strength.

Transnational circles and the national elites, who follow – partly in cooperation and partly in confrontation – try to push the looming end of their hegemony as far back into the future as possible, but based on their concepts from the colonial past:

  • One of their methods goes in the direction of „war“ in order to create a military chaos and an emergency legislation to lock away the overwhelming majorities. Their dreams for an One-World-Order revived rest on the debris of those conflicts. As examples of such developments the war in Ukraine and the Atlantic saber rattling in the South China Sea could be cited.In parallel an emergency legislation, nicely packaged by ideological catchphrases, like „climate change“, „energy turnaround“ or „pandemic preparedness“ will be enforced. It is crowned by an salvation doctrine, as named the „Great Re-Set“, which under the scepter of globalists is supposed to arise as a crypto religion.
  • The other method aims to instrumentalize supranational – and international institutions for unipolar purposes to minimize the sovereignty of the nation-states from above via a regime of supranational laws to have sovereignty removed completely at the end. With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 measures to marginalize nation-states took on new and highest priority by transnational circles.

Current attacks on the constitutions and laws of nation-states to undermine them from above either via hegemonic claims by Atlantic powers or via intergovernmental organizations are for example:

  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA], Section 702 of the U.S. to snooping on non‑U.S. citizens, including the mass tapping of electronic communications data outside the U.S., whether or not offenses were committed by these foreign countries or their citizens. FISA serves solely the matter of enforcing the national interests of the USA – whenever needed the laws of the other foreign state will be broken at will.
  • In line with Anglican law, FISA’s power to intervene has been vastly expanded by extension laws like the USA Patriot Act [2001], the  USA Patriot Act [2015] as well as the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act [CLOUD Act; 2018]. Exacerbating these are Section 215 of the Patriot Act and Section 101 of the Freedom Act. Based on the amended sections 501 and 502 of FISA the U.S. National Security Agency [NSA] has been enabled to request telephone companies for their release of any telecommunication data.To this end further authorities under FISA are enabled by means of their infamous Section 702, which authorizes NSA spying on non‑U.S. citizens outside the U.S. territory. In order to be spied on by FISA there is no need for the foreign target to commit any offence: All the U.S. authorities need for justification is a so-called „significant purpose“, which will allow to spy-out „foreign intelligence information”.The CLOUD Act is an amending statute and relates to Section 2703 of the „Electronic Communications Privacy Act [ECPA; 1986].“ Based on this criminal search – and seizure warrants are issued to the U.S. authorities to gather evidence, even if the information has been resting or being stored outside US territory.Thanks to Section 215 of the Patriot Act and Sections 501, 502 of FISA, it is possible to demand the release of any records, including server data. The only formal requirement needed is a decision by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC or FISA Court], which are routinely and generously granted.

    The U.S. administration has announced to pursue the extension of the FISA surveillance to have tapped communications between U.S. citizens and foreign contacts for all future to come.

  • Plan of WHO to fast-track itself into an «One-World Health-Hegemon» with executive power over other nation-states to be side-lined and subdued.After a „successful“ test run thanks to the Smart-CoV virus, the WHO pursues the plan for an ultimate power grab, supported by the «medical-bio-chemical-industrial complex»: The plot envisions to have the WHO turned into a «World Health Super-Government». It would enable WHO to exercise supranational executive power by means of newly revised „International Health Regulations“ [IHR] and newls introduced so-called “pandemic preparedness” [Pandemic Treaty] includung “compulsory medical treatment”, complemented by an authority to exert censorship, in order to have silenced any unwelcome critics.
  • Plan of the United Nations [UN] under the pretext and claims that the Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] were in jeopardy to serve as excuse and have to censorship and gagging imposed orders over its member states but with infringement of the laws and constitutions of the various nation-states.On the UN website you can read all fishy excuses supposed to facilitate the implementation of planned censorship over the world community globally with impunity by realizing the dreams of the UN for building their „digital army“:

Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation |

The UN website let their readers know:

With smartphones, editing apps, and innovative approaches, some UN peacekeeping operations across the world are building a “digital army” aimed at combating mis- and disinformation on social media networks and beyond.

Designing ways to fight back against falsehoods that can trigger tensions, violence, or even death, the UN has been monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can attack health, security, stability as well as progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“It has become clear that business as usual is not an option,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a policy brief launched in June on information integrity on digital platforms.

“The ability to disseminate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an existential risk to humanity and endangers democratic institutions and fundamental human rights,” he wrote in the brief.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations ignores what is constitutionally enshrined in the constitutions and basic laws of UN member states with regard to freedom of information and speech, such as in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or in the constitutions of the member states, like for example:

On the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union according to Article 11 Freedom of Expression and Information:

„Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom of expression and freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. The freedom of the media and its plurality shall be respected.“

On the Basic Law (GG) of the Federal Republic of Germany:

„GG – Article 5 (1) guarantees a total of five basic rights with freedom of opinion, information, press, broadcasting and film:

Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate his or her opinion in speech, writing and pictures and to inform himself or herself without hindrance from generally accessible sources.

Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.“

Laws for the fight against racketeering – and

transnational organized crime are long overdue

Self-empowered representatives of the one-world-model undertake attempts to strike from above from their lawless space – e.g. via the vehicle of intergovernmental institutions – to suppress nation-states with their multipolar world order against the will of their large majorities in violation of constitutions and laws of the affected nation-states.

These attacks against the foundations of nation-states and their national legislations will make it necessary to resort to more effective countermeasures in  the future. They that go beyond the defensive methods that have failed so far, as history tells:

It will be necessary to use the legal means of the nation-state to fight «enemies of the state» [state enemies] from outside and inside more effectively and with more powerful and specially geared laws for that purpose:

Especially since the attacks on sovereignty of nation-states are carried out via organizations and institutions, but not individuals, this fact recommends a legislation of the kind, which only made a successful fight against gang-related crime [Mafia] in the USA successful:

It will require so-called „anti-racketeering“ legislation to enable nation-states to act effectively against the assaults of transnationally influenced corrupted institutions and their godfathers on the basis of an extended racketeering legislation:

Just as the U.S. has only been able to prevail in the fight against organized crime and U.S. Mafia families since 1970 based on the RICO Act [Act: Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act] of Chapter IX under the Organized Crime Control Act [OCCA; control law against organized crime], a similar type of anti-racketeering legislation will be required in the fight against enemies of the state of a transnational nature – no matter under what institutional disguise.

Only a racketeering legislation, which is extremely weakly developed in many European states today, will make it possible to act effectively against «upper bosses», who give the instructions «only», but hide and do not execute themselves [unlike the „small“ executors below to be prosecuted supposed to serve as their scapegoats only], but represent the plot masters inside the racketeering network actually. Under such context the perpetrators of e.g. CoV-crimes from the „media – politics – medical-biochemical complex“  could be taken-out en bloc on the basis of proven evidence under anti-racketeering charges based on an anti-racketeering legislation like RICO.

Ever increasing state crime over the past years, will make the creation a tailor-made anti-racketeering law apparatus in line with Anti-Mafia-Laws necessary. It is supposed to be applied against international as well as transnational organizations in the future. This has become necessary, in order to be adequately equipped and better prepared against attacks on state and its constitution from outside and inside.

In the event of future attacks and violations against state sovereignty and the rule of national laws, racketeering proceedings by the states under attack would be lodged  against any gang-related criminality, which may also come via transnational and/or intergovernmental institutions and their executive henchmen – it does not matter!

Under such changed circumstances, front men of transnational wire-pullers at the top might think twice about their assumed future actions, which had promised them absolute impunity, but only in the past!


A contribution of UNSR-MITTEUROPA Global-Research