Paraguay positions as a protagonist in favour of climate, affirms Minister

Asunción, Agencia IP.- With the approval of the Credit Carbon Law, Paraguay is positioning itself as a country that contributes to building innovative tools to combat climate change, highlighted the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Rolando de Barros.

“These are tools that the world needs, and today, Paraguay is providing that opportunity. This will position us as a country with a different image, protagonist in actions in favour of climate”, said the Minister during an interview with the National Radio of Paraguay.

The approval of the Credit Carbon Law will allow Paraguay to obtain funds from multinational enterprises and countries with environmental passives and to “provide an economic value to the different natural resources existing in our country and improving the production systems”, explained the Minister.

Besides, it will be possible to contribute to environmental preservation through the conservation and strengthening of protected wild areas, working with indigenous to safeguard forests and cultures; the funds will allow the generation of employment and installed capacity for Paraguay to keep developing sustainable, claimed De Barros. He also stated that only some countries in the region and the world have this law, which makes Paraguay acquire a position worldwide.

“Today, we are on the world map as a country contributing to building innovative tools to fight climate change. With this tool, we can obtain international resources to invest in protecting and conserving the environment that belongs to all Paraguayans”, remarked.

The Minister explained that with this law’s promulgation and regulation, «what Paraguay will do is to guarantee the process transparently, make a clear roadmap for those who want to invest, providing them legal security, and that puts us at the forefront”.

He pointed out that the environmental institution’s short-term objective is to carry out an open and transparent process of socialization with all involved sectors to regulate the law and have all the details ready for the COP28 that will take place in Dubai at the end of November.

In that sense, De Barros announced that next week, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, will meet in Washington with the most important exponents in sustainability, such as the businessman Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, among other exponents who invest in the conservation of natural resources and innovations.

The Minister of the Environment claimed that from the institution he leads, the mission is that President Santiago Peña constitutes a leader in a matter of environmental sustainability in the region and the world through work that demonstrates that Paraguay is managing this topic seriously and transparency, with the President being the main speaker of the country.

He pointed out that Paraguay is a country that contributes to the mitigation of climate change “with conscious and environmental responsibility” since productive techniques such as direct sowing and silvopastoral systems are applied, which positively impact the caption of carbon.

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