Asunción, Agencia IP.- A delegation from the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), along with professionals from the Paraguayan Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INDI) and the contractor company Consorcio Rutas del Norte, informed the leaders of the Yakye Axa community about the access road works that will allow them to connect with the main road.
During the meeting held last Thursday, August 23, they addressed concerns regarding the progress of the works. They reviewed the work delivery agreement, which will be signed once the new access road is completed.
«From my side, not as a leader but as a father, we are blessed to have a road. We see the work growing, which is very important to us because we hope that by the end of the year, we will have the road finished,» said leader Aníbal Flores after the meeting.
The MOPC delegation comprised representatives from the UEP-CAF, under the Directorate of Roadways, the Directorate of Socio-Environmental Management (DGSA), and representatives from the CAF Project Executing Unit (UEP-CAF).
Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling
This informative activity aligns with the compliance requirements of the Judgment on the Merits, Reparations, and Costs issued on June 17, 2005, by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in Case No. 12.388/218 «Yakye Axa Indigenous Community of the Enxet People vs. Paraguay.»
In its sixth operative paragraph, the IACHR established that «the State must identify the traditional territory of the members of the Yakye Axa Indigenous Community and grant it to them free of charge.»
Moreover, in the tenth operative paragraph of the same judgment, the Inter-American Court determined that «the State must adopt, in its domestic legal system (…), the legislative, administrative, and any other necessary measures to guarantee the effective enjoyment of the right to property of the members of indigenous peoples.»
Additionally, in its 11th consideration of the compliance monitoring resolution dated June 24, 2022, the Inter-American Court mentioned that «the acceptance by the Yakye Axa Indigenous Community of alternative lands is conditioned on the construction of an access road to them» by previous rulings by the same court, in its compliance monitoring resolutions dated June 24, 2015, and May 14, 2019.
La entrada The access road to the Yakye Axa Indigenous community is near completion se publicó primero en .::Agencia IP::..